What are your luxury fashion shopping habits?

1.How often do you buy clothing, accessories, shoes, jewelry, or other fashion items for yourself or someone else in your household?
2.What category of apparel do you most often buy for yourself?
3.In the last year, how often did you buy luxury/designer clothing, apparel, or accessories?
4.Think back to mid- to late pandemic: Between 2021 and 2023, how often did you buy luxury/designer clothing, apparel, or accessories?
5.Why do you purchase designer/luxury apparel and/or accessories? Select all that apply.
6.For what occasions do you buy luxury/designer fashion? Select all that apply.
7.How do you hear about designer/luxury fashion items you buy? Select all that apply.
8.What luxury/designer apparel items do you buy? Select all that apply.
9.What luxury brands have you bought in the last year? Select all that apply.
10.What's the best luxury item you've ever bought?
11.Why was it the best luxury item you ever bought?
12.Please select your age range.
13.Please select your annual household income.