2024 TC Transit Jamestown Fixed Route

1.Are you a resident of Jamestown, CA?(Required.)
2.With the Jamestown fixed route coming back online, we're wanting to understand what the priority bus stops will be. The current bus stops are located at: 5th st and Willow, Rocca Park, Jamestown Post Office, Preston Lane Apartments, The Food Bank at ATCAA and Chicken Ranch Casino. What stops are most important to you? Please check all that apply to you and check "Other" if you'd like to suggest a new stop.(Required.)
3.Once the Jamestown route comes back online, what would prevent you from using it? Please check each box that applies to you. If your reason is not listed, please check "Other" at the bottom of the list and tell us your reason.(Required.)
4.What time of the day would you be most likely to travel into Sonora on a fixed route bus?(Required.)
5.What locations in Tuolumne County are you most likely to travel to from Jamestown? Please check all that apply to you. If your location isn't listed, please check "Other" and tell us where you would travel.(Required.)
6.Did you know that Tuolumne County Transit also offers a General Public curb-to-curb service called Dial-A-Ride? This service requires you to be in our service area and have a reservation beforehand but is completely FREE for everyone. Please check YES if you already know about Dial-A-Ride and check NO if this was your first time hearing about it.(Required.)