Arquidiócesis de Denver / Archdiocese of Denver Submission Form / Planilla para Someter Question Title * 1. Parroquia u Organización / Parish or Organization Aurora: Queen of Peace Aurora: St. Pius X Aurora: St. Thérèse Basalt: St. Vincent Brighton: St. Augustine Carbondale: St. Mary of the Crown Commerce City: Our Lady Mother of the Church Craig: St. Michael Denver: Annunciation Denver: Ascension Denver: Holy Rosary Denver: Our Lady of Grace Denver: Our Lady of Guadalupe Denver: Sacred Heart Denver: St. Anthony of Padua Denver: St. Cajetan Denver: St. Catherine of Siena Denver: St. Dominic Denver: St. James Denver: St. Joseph Eagle: St. Mary Edwards: St. Clare of Assisi Fort Lupton: St. William Fort Morgan: St. Helena Glenwood Springs: St. Stephen Protomartyr Greeley: Our Lady of Peace Lafayette: Immaculate Conception Longmont: St. John the Baptist Loveland: St. John the Evangelist Rifle: St. Mary Thornton: Holy Cross Question Title * 2. Selecciona la Planilla que estas sometiendo / Select the Consultation Form you are submitting Sesión 1 / Session 1 Sesión 2 / Session 2 Sesión 3 / Session 3 Sesión 4 / Session 4 Sesión 5 / Session 5 Next