
What is Equity Oriented Care?
Equity-oriented health care (EOHC) is about directing resources to those with the greatest needs. It doesn’t mean treating everyone equally, because everyone doesn’t need the same thing. The aim of the EQUIP education is to enhance EOHC by recognizing and seeking to reduce the impacts of:

-unfair access for people to the social determinants of health (such as adequate income, housing, social support),
-discrimination and stigma, including that based on poverty, racism and gender, &
-the ongoing effects of trauma and violence in people’s lives, including violence caused by legislation or policies that disadvantage certain groups

Your responses will help us to identify and assess how VCH is doing related to 10 main Equity-Oriented strategies. For these questions you will be rating
VCH, where 0 = “not at all attending to this strategy”, and 10 = “fully attending to this strategy”.

Question Title

* 1. Explicit commitment to equity: Equity is identified as a strategic priority of the organization and leadership is committed to improving
equity at all levels of the organization.
0 = “not at all attending to this strategy”, and 10 = “fully attending to this strategy”

0 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 2. Supportive structures, policies, and processes: Structures, policies, and processes related to hiring, performance evaluation, recognition, rewards
and compensation, continuing education, and staff meetings all are viewed with respect to equity. For
example, staff whose values align with the commitment to equity are recruited, hired and retained.
There are also dedicated resources in the budget to support equity work. 
0 = “not at all attending to this strategy”, and 10 = “fully attending to this strategy”

0 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 3. Re-envision how time is used: For example, flexibility with scheduling appointments recognizing patients facing structural
vulnerabilities may not arrive on time, or keep scheduled appointments, or may only seek emergency
care. How well does the practice accommodate patients seeking more time for procedures? How well
are the tensions between the need to produce (efficiencies) and the needs of priority patient groups
(appropriateness) planned and accounted for?
0 = “not at all attending to this strategy”, and 10 = “fully attending to this strategy”

0 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 4. Attend to power differentials: In your organization, this refers to all staff having some influence on how the organization’s work
activities are carried out. During interactions with patients, this means paying attention to how you
might be perceived as intimidating to patients.
0 = “not at all attending to this strategy”, and 10 = “fully attending to this strategy”

0 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 5. Tailor care, programs and services to context: Context refers to the broader cultures, structures, political systems, and local communities within a particular
place. How well
has the organization tailored care to uniquely address the known barriers to access care for underserved
populations? How distinct is the organization from mainstream practices? 
0 = “not at all attending to this strategy”, and 10 = “fully attending to this strategy”

0 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 6. Actively counter racism and discrimination: For example, staff members actively respond to discriminatory comments when they encounter
them. Practice is free of discrimination based on social location, life histories and health challenges
such as substance use, experiencing homelessness, poor hygiene or less-typical appearance or
0 = “not at all attending to this strategy”, and 10 = “fully attending to this strategy”

0 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 7. Promote community + patient participatory engagement: Patients and community members have an active voice in their care and are encouraged to provide
feedback to the organization. Does the organization have deliberate practices to engage patients in
planning processes or through a patient committee?
0 = “not at all attending to this strategy”, and 10 = “fully attending to this strategy”

0 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 8. Tailor care, programs and services to histories: Some people may be survivors of multiple forms of violence with traumatic effects, while still experiencing
current and ongoing interpersonal violence (including racial violence and intimate partner violence), and
ongoing structural violence (such as systemic and organizational racism, absolute poverty, etc.). How well is
this reflected in the care and services provided? What is the history with First Nations peoples in that area?

0 = “not at all attending to this strategy”, and 10 = “fully attending to this strategy”

0 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 9. Enhance access to social determinants of health: Some aspects of people’s everyday lives have major impacts on health – for example, access to
affordable, safe housing, income level above the poverty line and interactions in the social world that are respectful, non-stigmatizing, and non-discriminatory.
How are the determinants of health acknowledged as part of treatment and
prevention? How are Electronic Medical Records used to document the social determinants of health?
0 = “not at all attending to this strategy”, and 10 = “fully attending to this strategy”

0 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 10. Optimize use of place and space: What messages are reflected in the way the space is designed? Is the space designed to be inclusive
of those who typically are marginalized? Would people from priority populations see themselves
reflected in the design of the space? 
0 = “not at all attending to this strategy”, and 10 = “fully attending to this strategy”

0 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.