Copy of Amity Comprehensive Plan Survey

1.How satisfied are you with the current balance of residential, commercial, and industrial areas in Amity?(Required.)
2.What types of businesses would you most like to see expand or locate in Amity? (Select up to 3)(Required.)
3.How important is it for Amity to attract new jobs and businesses?(Required.)
4.What types of housing are most needed in Amity? (Select up to 2)(Required.)
5.What transportation improvements should be prioritized? (Select up to 2)(Required.)
6.What improvements, if any, would you like to see in Amity's parking infrastructure, including the potential addition of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations? (Select all that apply)
7.What amenities or improvements would make Amity a more walkable and bikeable community? (Select all that apply)
8.How important are parks, trails and open spaces to your quality of life in Amity?(Required.)
9.What types of park amenities would you most like to see improved or expanded? (Select up to 3)(Required.)
10.How important is it to preserve and enhance open spaces, natural ecosystems, and aesthetic natural areas in Amity?
11.What are the best ways for the City to communicate with and involve residents? (Select all that apply)
12.How important is it for Amity to promote environmental sustainability and conservation?(Required.)
13.Which sustainability initiatives would you most support in Amity? (Select up to 3)(Required.)
14.What do you think are Amity's greatest strengths as a community? (Select up to 3)(Required.)
15.What do you think are the most important issues or challenges facing Amity today? (Select up to 3)(Required.)
16.How did you hear about this comprehensive plan update survey? (Select all that apply)
17.Is there anything else you would like the City to consider as it updates the comprehensive plan?