
The purpose of this short survey is to explore the experiences of women who had a pregnancy complicated by Placenta Accreta Spectrum (PAS). Specifically, we are exploring whether women were offered supports during and after the pregnancy such as counselling, physiotherapy/physical therapist and postnatal/postpartum follow up. We are asking you to provide information about your pregnancy, the type of care you received during and after your pregnancy, and give some comments on your experience.

No information relating to your personal details will be obtained, all the answers you give are completely anonymous.

We understand that people have varied experiences of placenta accreta, for example not everyone is diagnosed during the pregnancy or looked after in a specialist service. This survey is open to anyone who has experienced accreta, some questions may be less relevant to your experience than others.

The survey consists mostly of tick box questions, and should take approximately 10 minutes to complete. There is an option to provide further information in the comment boxes. We welcome as much information about your experience as you are happy to provide.

You have a right to refuse to participate and can withdraw from this research study at anytime before submitting your responses.

This survey is part of a study being conducted by researchers at the National Maternity Hospital in Dublin, Ireland. Ethical approval has been granted by the hospital ethics committee (EC17.2024).

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* 1. Do you give your consent to partake in this study and for the researchers to share your responses with collaborators and publish the findings? The responses you give will be completely anonymous so you will not be identifiable from your answers. 

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* 2. Did you hear about this survey through the National Accreta Foundation?