A survey of caring for a person with a recent diagnosis of dementia
Participant Information
You are being invited to take part in a research study looking at the experience of caring for a person diagnosed with dementia or probable dementia since the beginning of 2017. The study will help to inform service providers and policy makers of the needs of primary carers and people with dementia in the two years following diagnosis. We are interested in getting carers views on current services and supports.
What will the survey involve?
This survey will ask you about your current situation, as well as services that you and the person with dementia use. The survey takes about 40 minutes to complete.
If you agree, we will follow-up in 12 months to see what, if anything, has changed and what services and supports are available then.  

The answers that you provide will be kept completely confidential. The information given will be used exclusively for research purposes, and will not be seen by anyone except the research team at NUI Galway. Under no circumstances will anyone be able to identify information given by you.
What are the risks and benefits of being part in the study?
There are no direct benefits to you from taking part, but your answers will help us understand service requirements and needs of people with dementia and their carers. The study will give an insight into the experiences of people who are currently caring for a person with dementia. The information will be used to make recommendations to government and other service providers on the needs of people with dementia and their carers in the time following diagnosis.

There are no obvious risks to taking part. You may decide to opt-out of the study at any stage without giving a reason. This will not impact you or your loved-one in any way.

Do you have to participate? 
Your participation is completely voluntary. If you choose not to participate or to opt-out of participating at any stage, it will not affect you in any way.

Who can you contact to ask questions? 
If you have any questions or concerns about the study please contact:
Dr Sharon Walsh
Email: sharon.walsh@nuigalway.ie
Phone: 086-0230772
4% of survey complete.