Conference Evaluation
10th Annual Digital Commonwealth Conference
Hogan Center, Holy Cross

Your assessment of this conference will help the Digital Commonwealth in planning future conferences. Your comments are important to us.

Question Title

* 1. Rate your level of satisfaction with the following conference sessions.

  Poor Fair Average Good Excellent
Digital Commonwealth & Boston Public Library Update
Keynote: Piles of Stuff:On the Challenges and Opportunities for Aggregating Digital Collections (Paul Conway)
Keynote: The Archival Edge Revisited: Reflections on the Purpose of Archives in the Digital Era (Richard Pearce-Moses)

Question Title

* 2. Rate your level of satisfaction with the Conference Breakout Sessions.

  Poor Fair Average Good  Excellent Did Not Attend
The Wilds of Brookline: The Digital Tale of a 19th Century Family and the World They Lived In
Privacy panel with Library Freedom Project and ACLU Massachusetts
National Digital Stewardship Residency - Boston Projects
The Digital Commonwealth Repository System Development Session: Year in Review and Future Directions
The Massachusetts Historical Records Advisory Board (SHRAB) Grant Program
Back to the Future: Digitizing the Next Generation of Historic Maps
Nuts and Bolts of Building the Digital Harvard Art Museums
Stayin' Alive Through Community Scanning Projects
Digitization and Preservation Forum

Question Title

* 3. Rate your level of satisfaction with the conference overall. 

Question Title

* 4. Which session did you find most valuable? Why?

Question Title

* 5. Which session did you find least valuable? Why?

Question Title

* 6. Was there anything that we did not offer that you would like to see? If so, please tell us about it:

Question Title

* 7. Please rate your level of satisfaction with these conference services:

  Poor Fair Average Good Excellent N/A
Format and convenience of registration materials
Format and usefulness of online conference materials
Overall quality of conference presenters
Relevance of conference to your job and interests
Conference location
Conference facility
Quality of food

Question Title

* 8. Suggestions for future conference programs:

Question Title

* 9. Type of library or organization with which you are affiliated:

Question Title

* 10. Is your institution a member of the Digital Commonwealth?

Question Title

* 11. Would you be interested in serving on any of the Digital Commonwealth Committees?

Question Title

* 12. Which committee are you interested in serving on?