Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce Survey

Your Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce is continuously evolving to advocate for our business members individually, for the business community as a whole and for regional economic vitality and prosperity.

To ensure we are delivering on these goals now and as we plan for the future, have commissioned a third-party marketing and research company to learn more about your expectations, perceptions, and ideas as a member of our Chamber.

We invite you to provide open and honest feedback by Tuesday, Oct. 3.

As a thank you for completing our questionnaire by Oct. 3, you will be automatically entered to win one of three great prizes.

1.   1 Roundtrip ticket on Southwest Airlines
2.   $100 VISA gift card
3.   $50 VISA gift card

We appreciate your time, ideas and feedback in shaping the future of the state’s premier business advocacy organization.

Question Title

* 1. How many years have you been a member of the Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce (GPCC, Chamber)?

2. What is the size of your Business?

Question Title

* 2a. Number of Employees

Question Title

* 2b. Revenue Range:

Question Title

* 2c. Level of engagement: How would you rank your organization’s engagement with the Chamber?

Question Title

* 3. How many years have you been in business?

Question Title

* 4. Which of the following best describes the primary reason why your business is a member of the Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce?

Question Title

* 5. Based on your experience, how valuable are the following services / programs offered by the Chamber to you and your business?

  Little to No Value
2 3 4 Very Valuable
Economic Development & Phoenix Forward
Chamber Signature Events (i.e. Economic Outlook, Mayor State of the City)
Chamber Awards (ATHENA, IMPACT)
Chamber Mixers / Networking Events
Workforce Development
Committees & Councils 
Policy & Advocacy
Business Education (SB Leadership Forum, PWA)
Wellness AtoZ

Question Title

* 6. Please rank the value you receive from your investment in the Chamber:

Question Title

* 7. How important is it for the Chamber to be a champion for a stronger community across the Greater Phoenix region (examples include but are not limited to: Wellness AtoZ initiative, workforce development programs, advocating for infrastructure improvements within the Greater Phoenix region, etc.)?

Question Title

* 8. How well do you think the Chamber performs when it comes to being a champion for a stronger community? (Examples may include but are not limited to: talent pipeline, Wellness AtoZ, workforce development, reduction of regulation)

Question Title

* How can the Chamber do more to champion a stronger business community?

Question Title

* 9. How well do you think the Chamber performs when it comes to representing a pro-business agenda on key issues that affect the Greater Phoenix region business community?

Question Title

* 10. How well do you think the Chamber performs when it comes to being a catalyst for business growth and strengthening economic vitality across the Greater Phoenix region? (Example may include but not limited to the Phoenix Forward initiative).

Question Title

* 11. How well does the Chamber perform when it comes to providing services and programs to help connect your business or your employees to the business community within the Greater Phoenix region?

Question Title

* 12. How well has the Chamber positioned itself as the premier organization in the Greater Phoenix region, building a collaborative approach in economic development, workforce development, advocacy and other pro-business needs impacting Arizona?

Question Title

* 13. Please share why and how, in your view, the Chamber can improve on being the premier organization for advocating business in the Greater Phoenix region.

Question Title

* 14. Is the Chamber, in your view, a strong source of information on business issues, building economic development for the Greater Phoenix region and for leading Arizona forward in future business needs?

Question Title

* 15. What are your two most preferred methods of communication in how you engage or want to receive information from the Chamber? (Select your top two)

Question Title

* 16. Please review and rate the following statements:

  Strongly Disagree
2 3 4 Strongly Agree
The Chamber excels at being a trusted convener for leaders and influencers
The Chamber excels at being a fearless problem solver
The Chamber excels at being a proven hub of information within the business community
The Chamber excels at attracting, nurturing, and motivating catalytic leadership
The Chamber excels at continuously innovating, exploring new programs and embracing change
The Chamber is a strong leader in getting things done for business
The Chamber is an influential and strong leader in setting the business agenda for the Greater Phoenix region and in leading on important opinions affecting business

Question Title

* 17.  Please share a short testimonial or story highlighting the value the Chamber provides to your business specifically or the Greater Phoenix region as a whole.

Question Title

* 18. Which group represents your age?

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* 19. Which title best fits your primary role at your organization?