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* 1. What is your title/position within the lab facility? (Select only one)

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* 2. What type of facility best describes where you work? (Select only one)

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* 3. In 2024, what has been the average number of molecular-based tests (non-COVID-19) performed by your lab daily? (Select only one)

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* 4. How much has respiratory testing increased at your lab in 2024? (Select only one)

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* 5. Has your lab experienced issues with maintaining a supply of testing products due to supply chain issues? (Select only one)

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* 6. What testing supplies are you having trouble sourcing due to supply chain issues? (Select all that apply)

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* 7. What types of molecular diagnostic tests do you use in your laboratory? (Select all that apply)

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* 8. Which of the following three molecular diagnostic test companies do you use the most? (Select three)

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* 9. How do you handle questionable results with molecular tests? (Select only one)

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* 10. What steps does your lab take to reduce the number of potential false positive test results? (Select top three)

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* 11. Is your lab developing tools/processes to manage decreased access to LDTs?

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* 12. If you would like to be contacted to contribute to this article or other future articles, please provide the following: