DEI stands for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. It is an approach that organizations can adopt to create a more welcoming environment for all individuals, regardless of their backgrounds, experiences, or identities. ECHN has a DEI committee called the Unity Collaborative and we are seeking feedback to help power our action plans. All survey responses are confidential.

Question Title

* 1. Do you serve in a clinical role at ECHN?  

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* 2. Do you interact with patients or the public in your role at ECHN?

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* 3. Age

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* 4. How long have you worked at ECHN?

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* 5. Race

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* 6. Do you feel included at ECHN?

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* 7. Do you feel valued at ECHN?

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* 8. What steps would you recommend helping improve future interactions and foster a more inclusive work environment? 

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* 9. Do our company policies and values support diversity, equity, and inclusion, in your opinion?

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* 10. What specific changes or improvements do you feel could be made to further advance these principles?

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* 11. Does ECHN foster an environment where everyone is welcome, respected, appreciated, and able to be themselves?

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* 12. Do you believe that ECHN seeks to employ people into roles from a variety of diverse backgrounds that reflect the people we serve?

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* 13. Would you like to understand more about the importance of diversity, equity & inclusion as it relates to providing services in the healthcare industry?

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* 14. Please check off each of the following options with your interest in receiving training on the topic: (very interested, interested; not interested)

These trainings can be conducted in various formats such as workshops, online courses, seminars, group discussions, etc. The key is that they should be tailored to the specific needs of the organization and its employees and be conducted in a manner that encourages open, respectful dialogue.

  Very Interested Interested Not Interested
Implicit Bias Training:This training helps participants understand their own unconscious biases that can influence their interactions and decisions. It's designed to create awareness and provide tools to manage these biases.
Cultural Competency Training: This form of training focuses on building the knowledge and skills necessary to interact effectively with people from different cultural backgrounds.
Anti-racism Training: This training focuses on understanding the systemic and interpersonal aspects of racism and equips participants with strategies to actively combat racism in their everyday lives and workplaces.
Microaggressions Training: This training helps participants recognize microaggressions, which are often subtle acts of discrimination, and provides strategies for addressing them.
Gender Equity Training: This training addresses issues related to gender bias and sexism, focusing on creating an equitable environment for individuals of all genders.
LGBTQ+ Inclusion Training: This training is designed to foster an inclusive environment for individuals of all sexual orientations and gender identities.
Disability Awareness and Inclusion Training: (Physical, Cognitive or Emotional) This training focuses on understanding the experiences of individuals with disabilities and promoting a more accessible and inclusive environment.
Intersectionality Training: This training emphasizes the interconnected nature of social categorizations such as race, class, and gender, and how they can create overlapping systems of discrimination or disadvantage.
Allyship Training: This training helps individuals understand how they can use their privilege to support marginalized groups.

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* 15. Do you have any additional concerns or comments that you would like to share or do you have other training topic recommendations for DEI?

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* 16. Name (optional)

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* 17. Department (optional)