August 2022: BCGEU Strike - impact on BC's private liquor and cannabis industries

1.What percentage of your alcohol/cannabis inventory is currently stocked out due to the strike?
2.How much profit have you lost due to stock outs caused by the strike?
3.Have you had to lay off staff due to a lack of alcohol/cannabis inventory caused by the strike?
4.If you answered yes, what percentage of your labour force has been laid off?
5.Has the strike impacted your operating hours?
6.Have you had to cancel events or promotions due to a lack of alcohol/cannabis inventory?
7.If you answered yes, how much profit does the cancelled event or promotion represent?
8.For hospitality businesses, have you experienced a stricter purchasing limit from your local BC Liquor store than the mandated 3 per SKU per day limit?
9.If you answered yes, please provide details about how your purchases have been even further limited.
10.Are you worried about the viability of your business because of this strike?
11.Please share any other comments you have about the impact the BCGEU strike has had on your business.
12.Where is your business located?
13.Which of the following best describes your business?