Help us identify and rank the information required to successfully analyze memory dumps.

We have started developing memory dump analyzers for Visual Studio that help find scenarios like sync-over-async issues; objects stuck in the finalizer queue; and in our latest preview we highlight deadlock scenarios. Our goal is to help our customers find and resolve issues faster! (focusing on the ASP.NET Core platform)

We want your help identifying the most important scenarios to analyze, along with the most important data to highlight.

Question Title

* 1. Rank the helpfulness of the following information when analyzing a dump captured to investigate exceptions, crashes or failures.

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* 2. Rank how helpful the following information might when analyzing a dump captured to investigate a high CPU issue.

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* 3. Rank the helpfulness of the following information when analyzing a dump captured to investigate a High Memory issue.

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* 4. Rank the helpfulness of the following information when validating the general value of a dump.

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* 5. Please list any additional information (or analyzers) you think would be important for memory dump inspection.

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* 6. If you would be interested in hearing from our engineering team or taking part in future research please leave your email address below.

Thank you for taking our survey. Your feedback is important and will help us create a better product for you and other developers.

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