Many thanks for taking part in this survey as part of the Marine Energy Alliance.  This questionnaire will help us to assess and align accelerator activities to better suit the needs of marine energy developers.

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* 1. What Marine Energy Sector is your company involved?

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* 2. At what stage is your technology TRL 1 to 9 ?

1 Technology Readiness Level 9
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 3. In terms of expertise, where do you need most to least support?

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* 4. What resources do you need most to least for your next stage of development?

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* 5. On your roadmap, what do you view as your next major milestone?

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* 6. What quantum of funding (euros) do you require for your next stage (milestone) or 18 months?

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* 7. What is you expectation or plan of how you will raise this (or its equivalent) ?

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* 8. In your own words, what is your biggest challenge in commercialising your technology?

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* 9. How long would you be willing to engage with an accelerator programme

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* 10. What would be your end goal of engaging with an accelerator programme?

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* 11. Please give us an idea of your company size and track record.  Employee headcount, how many years in business, how much invested to date.

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* 12. In what country are your business headquarters?

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* 13. Any other comments please add here

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* 14. Many thanks for taking part in the Survey.  If you are interested in getting more information OR you are interested in the corporate innovation tour please contact or leave your contacts below