SLIDE Project Interview Recruitment Form


Antioch University Seattle is conducting a federally funded, nationwide study called SLIDE: The School Librarian Investigation—Decline or Evolution? This research seeks to learn about current—and especially new—models for staffing information/technology services, whether or not they involve the job title “school librarian." The following information will help us schedule your interview at your convenience. Be assured that neither you nor your district will be identified in our report without your permission. If you have questions, please email our Project Director, Deb Kachel at
1.Your state. Enter the two letter abbreviation, like "AR", "MA", etc.(Required.)
2.Your First and Last Name(Required.)
3.Your Title within your School or District(Required.)
4.Your School District Name(Required.)
5.Your Preferred Email Address(Required.)
6.Your School District's Website Address(Required.)
7.If your district's or school's change in librarian staffing occurred since 2018-19, which of the following best describes it?(Required.)
8.The months during the first half of 2022 which you currently think might be convenient times for you to be interviewed. This is NOT a commitment. Mark all that apply:(Required.)
9.The months in 2022 when you specifically do NOT wish to be interviewed. Mark all that apply:(Required.)
10.Is there anything else you would like us to know about scheduling an interview with you?
The Institutional Review Board for Antioch University Seattle has approved this study and granted it "Exempt Status."
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