Cincinnati Parks is Looking for Your Feedback on Owl’s Nest Park
Over the last year, Cincinnati Parks has been working with the Cincinnati Parks Foundation and the surrounding community on efforts to stabilize and repair the historic pavilion in Owl’s Nest Park. With this project underway, public feedback is being sought on how the park as a whole park is used and should be improved to best serve the surrounding neighborhoods and park users in the coming years.  This feedback will inform a longer-term plan and help identify the most impactful improvements for the park.

Please visit or follow us at @cincyparks on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter for project updates and the latest information about your Cincinnati Parks.

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Owl's Nest Park Map

<span style="color: #006751;"><strong>Owl's Nest Park Map</strong></span>

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* 1. Please provide the zip code where you live.

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* 2. How often do you visit Owl’s Nest Park?

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* 3. In your words, please describe what you love about Owl’s Nest Park.

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* 4. If you could change just one thing about Owl’s Nest Park, what would it be?

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* 5. How should Owl’s Nest Park best be used as a community resource? Please prioritize the following list:

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* 6. Any other uses not listed you would like to see? Please provide.

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* 7. In addition to the pavilion repair project, what types of improvements would best enhance the park and more seamlessly connect the park to all of the surrounding communities?
Please prioritize the following items:

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* 8. What other enhancements should be considered? Please describe.

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* 9. The gate at Pogue Avenue has remained locked in recent years due to concerns about safety brought forward by the community, as well as maintenance staff resource limitations in opening/closing the gate often. Given this, would you support?

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* 10. Cincinnati Parks often relies on fundraising partnerships to facilitate park improvements. How likely would you be to help support or organize fundraising opportunities for Owl’s Nest Park?

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* 11. Do you have any other feedback about the Owl’s Nest Park?

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* 12. Please contact me to:

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* 13. If yes to any above, please provide your e-mail address here:

Any information submitted on this form, including names and contact information is a matter of public record and is subject to disclosure as required by law.