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About This Survey

As the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread throughout the nation, we know small businesses and organizations that support them are being deeply affected. Our top priority is the well-being and resilience of the small business ecosystem. As such, we need to hear from you! Our goal is to amplify your needs. Please complete this survey to inform advocacy, program, product, and service development efforts aimed at helping you.

All responses will be kept confidential. When using this data, no personally identifiable information will be associated with a response. Unless explicit permission has been given by the respondent, all responses will be used in the aggregate form. We thank you in advance for your insight and time.

About Us:

The Association for Enterprise Opportunity (AEO) is the leading voice of innovation for microfinance and microbusiness. Our mission is to create economic opportunity for underserved entrepreneurs throughout the United States. We engineer transformational change through research, convening, incubation, and advocacy to foster a robust and inclusive market place.
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