This survey will help EastSide Greenways to build a case to present to Belfast City Council with the aim of improving the old Orangefield Bowling Pavilion.
Our idea is to make it more usable by the community. We are interested in your view on, first the Park and what happens there, but in most of the questionnaire, we want to focus on the future of the Pavilion itself. It should take 10 to 15 minutes to complete.
We first ask you to confirm you are okay with completing the survey by ticking the next box.

Question Title

* 1. I confirm that I agree to participate in the survey and that the information I provide is confidential and anonymous. I also understand that my participation is voluntary, however, once my data is submitted by pressing DONE, I cannot withdraw it.

Please tick check the box YES to continue.

Question Title

* 2. In the last 4 weeks, roughly how often have you visited Orangefield Park? [If you have not visited, write 0].

Question Title

* 3. On average how long would you stay in the Park? (for example 30 minutes, 1 hour, 3 hours and so on) [If you have not visited write 0].

Question Title

* 4. Thinking about the last time you visited Orangefield Park, how many people were in your group?

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* 5. And how many were children in your group during this visit? [If NONE write in 0]

Question Title

* 6. We are interested in why you visit the Park. For each reason below, could you say was this something you don't do at all, do a little (say once every 3 months or less) or a lot (more than once every 3 months)?

  Not at all A little A lot Not sure or refused
To relax or think in quiet and peace
Get some fresh air
Meet friends and socialise
Enjoy nature (birds, wildlife, flowers, trees and or surroundings)
Walk the dog
To take a shortcut
Feed the birds or fish
Family outing
Visit the children's play area
Watch sports or games
Attend community events
Take part in sporting activities or games
Meet new people
Enjoy historical events
To visit the bonfire

Question Title

* 7. Some people use the Park more for the facilities and to be active. Again, for each one, could you say was this something you don't do at all, do a little or a lot?

  Not at all A little A lot Not sure or refused
To use the outdoor gym
To take general exercise
To play football
Play sports or games
Ride a bike
Running but not with a park run

Question Title

* 8. Are there other reasons that you visit the Park?

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* 9. Which of these best describes your last visit to the Park?

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* 10. Thinking in general about your overall use of Orangefield Park could you say how it affected you in these ways?

  Not at all No more than usual Rather more than usual Much more than usual Don't know or refused
It helped me to develop more confidence in myself
It improved my overall health
It helped me take moderate physical exercise
It encouraged me to walk or cycle short distances (say for 30 minutes)

Question Title

* 11. Overall, how do you rate the current condition of Orangefield Park?

Question Title

* 12. Why do you say that?