Exit Understanding Opioid and Non-Opioid Pain Management Alternatives Question Title * Date Date Date Question Title * Location (If you did your training online, type ONLINE) Question Title * Please rate your level of agreement with each of the following statements: Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 1 I was satisfied with the class overall. 1 I was satisfied with the class overall. Strongly Disagree 1 I was satisfied with the class overall. Disagree 1 I was satisfied with the class overall. Neutral 1 I was satisfied with the class overall. Agree 1 I was satisfied with the class overall. Strongly Agree 2 I was satisfied with the information presented in this class. 2 I was satisfied with the information presented in this class. Strongly Disagree 2 I was satisfied with the information presented in this class. Disagree 2 I was satisfied with the information presented in this class. Neutral 2 I was satisfied with the information presented in this class. Agree 2 I was satisfied with the information presented in this class. Strongly Agree 3 The speakers were professional. 3 The speakers were professional. Strongly Disagree 3 The speakers were professional. Disagree 3 The speakers were professional. Neutral 3 The speakers were professional. Agree 3 The speakers were professional. Strongly Agree 4 I would recommend this course to others. 4 I would recommend this course to others. Strongly Disagree 4 I would recommend this course to others. Disagree 4 I would recommend this course to others. Neutral 4 I would recommend this course to others. Agree 4 I would recommend this course to others. Strongly Agree Please enter additional comments on any of the previous questions here: Question Title * Please select your choice with each of the following statements: Very Low Low Average High Very High 5. Before taking this course, my level of knowledge about opioids and non-opioid pain management alternatives was: 5. Before taking this course, my level of knowledge about opioids and non-opioid pain management alternatives was: Very Low 5. Before taking this course, my level of knowledge about opioids and non-opioid pain management alternatives was: Low 5. Before taking this course, my level of knowledge about opioids and non-opioid pain management alternatives was: Average 5. Before taking this course, my level of knowledge about opioids and non-opioid pain management alternatives was: High 5. Before taking this course, my level of knowledge about opioids and non-opioid pain management alternatives was: Very High 6. After taking this course, my level of knowledge about opioids and non-opioid pain management alternatives is: 6. After taking this course, my level of knowledge about opioids and non-opioid pain management alternatives is: Very Low 6. After taking this course, my level of knowledge about opioids and non-opioid pain management alternatives is: Low 6. After taking this course, my level of knowledge about opioids and non-opioid pain management alternatives is: Average 6. After taking this course, my level of knowledge about opioids and non-opioid pain management alternatives is: High 6. After taking this course, my level of knowledge about opioids and non-opioid pain management alternatives is: Very High Question Title * Please describe the most important information you gained from this course: Question Title * Please list the ideas you have that would improve this course for future participants: Question Title * Please list topics you would like to see offered in future programs: Done