
In the past, transportation of people and products has been identified as a barrier to economic development in Christina Lake. To address this, Christina Gateway has undertaken the Christina Lake on the Move Transportation Study. This study will focus on transportation solutions, to foster economic growth, job creation, and community resilience by improving transportation options for residents, tourists, and local businesses.

As a resident of a Christina Lake, your feedback is essential to help us understand and improve the transportation infrastructure and services in the area. This survey has been created to:
  1. Assess the current transportation landscape
  2. Identify gaps that hinder economic growth
  3. Explore solutions to improve connectivity in the area
We appreciate you taking 15-20 minutes to complete this survey. Your insights will further our ability to foster and support economic development in Christina Lake.

Please note, this data will only be used as an aggregate and no specific or personal information will be shared, correlated, or analyzed as such.