Student Library Instruction Survey

1.What is your status?
2.What is your major/department? 
3.What is one thing you've learned about doing library research that has been particularly valuable?
4.If library resources (such as Research Guides and links to databases) were posted in your Canvas courses, would you use these resources more often?
5.When you need quality information for a class assignment, what resource(s) do you usually go to first?
6.Which of the following ways of learning about library resources and research skills would most appeal to you?
7.My knowledge of library resources and research skills has been improved by:
Strongly disagree
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Strongly Agree
Research Guides
Library Instruction
Google Scholar
Guidance from my instructor(s)
8.Please leave any other feedback about library instruction here:
9.If you are interested in participating in a focus group to provide additional feedback, please click on this link to a new page to enter your email address. Select "Yes" below then click "done" on this survey before completing the form. Your responses on this survey will remain anonymous.

If you are not interested in participating in a focus group, select "No" and then click "done" below.
Current Progress,
0 of 9 answered