Introduction Section

Plaza Research Houston is conducting a NATIONWIDE study with consumers on Media. The Online Board and Discussion will take place between Wednesday, April 8th - Monday, April 13th, 2020 time varies throughout the day and evening.  If you qualify, and are chosen to participate, you will receive $200 for at least 30 minute activity each day for 5 days.
**Proof may be required in order to participate if chosen**

Please answer the questions below. If you look like a match, we will contact you by telephone.  

**Due to the large response to our surveys, we are only able to contact those that look like a match. Please continue to answer future studies, as you may be a match to those.

Question Title

* 1. Please provide us with the following information. We will be contacting you by telephone if you seem like a match.

Question Title

* 2. What is your Zip Code?

Question Title

* 3. What is your primary phone number?

Question Title

* 4. Alternate Contact number

Question Title

* 6. What is your date of birth?
