Supreme Court Help for On/Off-Premise Sign Case

IMLA filed an amicus brief in support of the City of Austin’s petition for Supreme Court certiorari several months ago and the City is now filing its reply brief.  This is an important case and we are hoping we can help them with some data for their brief to try to show how ubiquitous distinctions between on/off-premises signs are throughout the country.  To that end, if you could please answer the following questions, we would appreciate it!
1.Name of your entity (city, county, town, parish, etc.)(Required.)
2.Your name (This will not be shared but is helpful in case we need to contact you for clarification)(Required.)
3.Your email address (this will not be shared).(Required.)
4.Does your sign ordinance make distinctions between on/off-premise signs?(Required.)
5.If yes, is it limited to commercial speech defined as advertising for a product and/or service as opposed to all signage messaging?
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