Dear friend, 

Your spiritual life is extremely important to our ministry! We want to do our very best to help you grow in your relationship with Jesus each day.  In order to document the progress we’ve made and responsibly plan for the future, we would like to understand where you are at in your spiritual journey. That’s why we are asking you to participate in an important ministry survey.

Please take about 15-20 minutes to complete a survey about your faith and your experiences with our ministry. This is a survey developed over the past 20 years by the Center For Bible Engagement, and is the standard that they are using around the world to gauge Biblical engagement and spiritual growth in the Church.   Responses from this survey will be compared to others within Canada, and around the world, to provide us with insights into what resources we need to develop to help each grow in their daily walk with the Lord.

There are no right or wrong answers. We are solely interested in what you personally believe and feel. All responses are completely anonymous and confidential. Thank you for your time!  We do appreciate your support.

Question Title

* 1. How old are you?

14% of survey complete.