BeFit Online Training Sign Up Form

Our Online Training Program aims to offer you a personalized training experience at your own preferred time and place.
Please fill this survey to help us allocate you to the coach that fits you best!
4.Telephone Number(Required.)
6.How did you first hear about BeFit Online Training(Required.)
7.Current Weight(Required.)
8.Current Height(Required.)
9.Do you prefer a male or female coach?(Required.)
10.Will you be training at home or at a gym?(Required.)
11.How would you rate your current fitness level?(Required.)
12.What is your fitness goal?(Required.)
13.Do you suffer from any medical conditions?
14.Do you suffer from any physical injury? (e.g. knee pains, back pains etc.)(Required.)
15.Please specify your preferred timing for your Online Training consultation call with your coach(Required.)
16.Please specify your preferred timing for your FREE Nutrition consultation call with your nutritionist
17.Which online training package would you like to subscribe to?(Required.)
18.Do you have specific coach in mind? Please specify all preferences
Current Progress,
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