Thank you for your time and willingness to share information about your OST organization/program.

We know how incredibly busy OST Leaders are during this time of year as work to support your staff to continue to support children, youth, and families and many ramp up for summer programs. 

This survey will help us to provide OST Coalition Members and our key partners, including the Cambridge Public Schools, with more detailed information about our collective capacity to provide high quality out-of-school time programs to enhance the overall learning opportunities and quality of life for children and youth in Cambridge.

Once you have gathered the information, we anticipate that completing this survey will take approximately 40 minutes. The survey includes questions about:  (1) the 2021-22 school year, (2) Summer 2021, and (3) a section with specific questions about summer 2022 plans.  Please answer to the best of your ability. 

The AFCOST will report survey results back to OST Coalition Members.  Please contact if you have any questions.

Thanks, again. 

Best regards, 

Susan and Khari, Co-Directors
5% of survey complete.