To be completed by users and managers of local sporting grounds

Southern Downs Regional Council has commenced the Southern Downs Open Space, Sport and Recreation Master Plan to assist in the planning, development and managing of open spaces, sporting fields and recreation areas in the Southern Downs.

Council is now inviting community engagement on the project to understand the existing inventory, community desires and expectations, and the Southern Downs point of difference.

Through a series of targeted surveys Council seeks to understand what the community would consider missing or needed from the provision of open space, sport, and recreation in the region and gather ideas on how these gaps might be addressed in the future.

Findings of these surveys will be shared back to the community once the engagement has concluded and data has been reviewed by Council's contractor, Tract.
Regional Perspective

Question Title

* 1. Please select your area of residence

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* 2. Please select your age group

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* 3. Do you believe there is an adequate supply of sporting reserves and facilities in the region broadly speaking?

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* 4. Do you believe there is an adequate supply of sporting reserves and facilities for your sport for the region?

District Local Perspective

Question Title

* 5. Do you feel that your club or organisation has adequate facilities generally?

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* 6. Is your membership/participation currently:

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* 7. Do you expect membership over the next three to five years to:

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* 8. Which of the following factors would you consider applicable for your facilities?