Olympic Steel Communications Survey - October 2020

Your feedback is helping us improve!

Thanks for taking a moment to complete our quarterly communications survey! We'll use your feedback in our commitment to continuously improve our employee communications efforts. Keep an eye on IamOlympicSteel.com for updates on the feedback we're receiving from these  surveys and what we're doing with it. 

All survey responses are anonymous, so please be honest.
1.Tell us about yourself.  I work:
2.I work for this division:
3.How helpful do you find the following communications platforms in sharing updates and information about Olympic Steel?
Very helpful
Somewhat helpful
Not at all helpful
Emails from CompanyCommunications@olysteel.com
Text alerts
Social media posts
Posters / printed information
Updates from my direct Supervisor
Updates from my VP/GM/Corporate Leader
4.Please rate the frequency of Olympic Steel communications
5.In 2021, we plan to share more video messages from our Executive and Sr. Leadership teams on IamOlympicSteel.com. What topics would you like to see covered?
6.Would you recommend Olympic Steel to a friend as a great place to work?
7.Any last thoughts? Let us know below.
Current Progress,
0 of 7 answered