

We are gathering community input as part of the Overland Park Urban Forest Planning project. Our goal is to ensure that voices from residents, business & property owners, community groups and city representatives are represented in what will become the updated plan for trees throughout Overland Park

Goals for the Urban Forest Plan:

  • Ensure Overland Park's legacy of parks, open spaces, and urban forest continues into the future;
  • Recognize the urban forest as vital infrastructure and explore its link to residents' health, safety, and prosperity;
  • Provide guidance for investing in the development & maintenance of all forestry assets;
  • Explore the urban forest's connection to climate, environmental justice, development, place-making, and City operations.

What this planning process is not:

  • A document reaffirming the way things are done today without question. We want to ask hard questions that that help us identify potential areas for improvement wherever they may be in current policy or operational procedures.

Your participation in this survey is optional, and it will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Thank you for your valuable input!

Question Title

* 1. Are you ready to begin?

10% of survey complete.