We're collecting some final details to ensure a smooth experience at the upcoming conference. Please respond to the relevant questions below.

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* 1. Meal Preferences: Do you have any dietary requirements or preferences that you need to inform us about?

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* 2. Child Care: Would you be interested in learning more about child care services available for the conference week?

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* 4. Networking Event (student and early career participants only): If you would like to participate in a lunchtime networking event on Tuesday, October 8, please select "yes." Please note, participation is limited and confirmation will be provided to the first 60 respondents.

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* 5. Call for Mentors (non-student participants only): If you are willing to serve as a mentor during the conference, please select "yes" below. Please note this includes your participation at the networking lunch on Tuesday, October 8.

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* 6. Best Student Posters and Best Student Oral Presentation Awards (student participants only): Would you like your presentation evaluated for either of these awards?

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* 7. Call for Presentation Evaluators (non-student participants only): If are willing to evaluate student posters and oral presentations, please select "yes" below:

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* 8. First Name

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* 9. Last Name

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* 10. Email

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* 11. WhatsApp Contact Number (if available)