Application Information

Please complete the information below so that ONAC may have the information needed to send a deposit of $100.00 for a Children’s/Youth Savings Account in a 529 College Savings Plan for your child.

If you have more than one child, please complete one of these applications per child.

If you need to reach the coordinator for this project, please contact the ONAC Executive Director, Christy Finsel (Osage), at

Question Title

* 1. Full Legal Name of Child for the Account: ______________________________________________ (Information requested by ONAC so that we may send a check, in your child’s name, for the opening deposit).

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* 2. Which tribe or nonprofit sent you the link for this application?

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* 3. Step one:
If you live in Oklahoma, go to the Oklahoma 529 College Savings website at and click on "Open an Account" on the top right of the screen. You will need the Social Security numbers for you and your child, as well as dates of birth and a street address (not a PO Box). If you have questions as you complete the online application, call TIAA (they manage the OK 529 Plan) at 877-654-7284. Here is a sample of an Oklahoma 529 College Savings Plan application.

If you live in Missouri, go to the Missouri (MOST) 529 Plan website at and click on "Open an Account" at the very top right of the screen. You will need the Social Security numbers for you and your child, as well as dates of birth and a street address (not a PO Box). If you have questions as you complete the online application, call Ascensus at 877-654-7284.

Please note that the 529 Account is an investment account subject to market volatility and may lose value, including the entire investment. ONAC is unable to give investment advice. There are more conservative options to choose, based upon your comfortability with investment risk. The Guaranteed Investment Option for the Oklahoma 529 Plan is the most conservative option. For the Missouri (MOST) 529 Plan, the most conservative option is called the Vanguard Interest Accumulation Portfolio. While TIAA and Ascensus cannot give investment advice either, they can provide you with investment option information. After you choose the initial allocation, you can later choose other allocation options by working with TIAA and Ascensus.

If you live outside of Oklahoma or Missouri, you can open a 529 account in the state you reside and ONAC will provide $100 towards the opening account deposit.

Step two:
After you complete the 529 account, please enter the 529 Plan Account Number in the comment box below: _________________________ (Information requested by ONAC so that we may direct the opening deposit towards your child’s account).

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* 4. What is the name of the 529 Plan you opened for your child? 

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* 5. Age of the Child: _________________________________ (Information requested by our funders).

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* 6. What is the gender of the child? 

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* 7. Depending on your family size, is your family’s yearly gross income (income before paying taxes or taking deductions) at, or below, the income caps found in the table below? This information is available on your pay stub. Your answer will not affect your ability to participate in this program. Please check the box with your response of yes or no.

Family Size and Maximum Yearly Gross Income
1 person - $30,120
2 persons- $40,880
3 persons- $51,640
4 persons- $62,400
5 persons- $73,160
6 persons- $83,920
7 persons- $94,680
8 persons- $105,440

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* 8. As the parent/guardian, what are your hopes for your child’s future, in relation to this Children’s Savings Account?

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* 9. Going forward, do you plan to deposit any additional funds in this account, for your child?

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* 10. Do you have any questions or feedback for either the Oklahoma Native Assets Coalition, Inc.?

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* 11. Parental/Guardian Consent and Acknowledgment:

If you are participating in the ONAC Children’s Savings Account Program by opening an account in the 529 College Savings Plan of your choice, please type your full name below to acknowledge that you understand and agree that:

I understand that 529 College Savings Plan separately and independently accept or decline accounts and that if the 529 College Savings Plan declines my account paperwork, I will be unable to participate in this Program.

Our participation in this Program is voluntary and it is my responsibility to understand how our participation in the Program may impact my eligibility for public benefits. The 529 Account is intended to be used for qualified educational expenses; any other use may cause me to incur tax liabilities and/or other penalties. Earnings in 529 accounts are not subject to federal incomes taxes when they are used to cover eligible postsecondary education expenses, such as tuition, room and board (with limitations), and fees, books, supplies, and equipment required for the enrollment or attendance costs of a beneficiary at an eligible university, college, or vocational program.

The 529 Account is an investment account subject to market volatility and may lose value, including my entire investment. ONAC is unable to give investment advice. When choosing investment options, for the 529 plan, you may call the plan for assistance. They cannot give investment advice either but they can provide you with information. After you choose the initial allocation, when you open the account, you can later choose other allocation options by working with the 529 plan.

I further agree to hold ONAC and its respective consultant, employees, or agents harmless from responsibility or liability for any damages or losses incurred by me or the 529 Account in connection with my participation in the Program or any of the activities connected with the Program, including but not limited to: investment losses; potential tax liabilities and/or penalties; and any loss of public benefits or eligibility to those benefits. I understand that I am solely responsible for investment decisions related to the 529 Account, and the Program does not constitute a suitability determination, investment recommendation or a solicitation by ONAC or their consultants, agents, or employees.

To provide acknowledgement and consent for participation in this program, type your full name (as the adult account owner for this account) below.

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* 12. Contact Information for Account Owner (Parent or Guardian completing this application).  

If you have no email address, type N/A below.

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* 13. What is your tribal affiliation?

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* 14. What is your age?

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* 15. What is your gender?

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* 16. Are you a farmer, rancher, or fisher?

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* 17. On behalf of _____________________________________________ (name of child), I hereby give permission (consent) for my child to participate in the ONAC Children’s Savings Account program and acknowledge that _____________________________________ (name of child) will receive $100.00 from the Oklahoma Native Assets Coalition, Inc. for a deposit into a 529 college savings account on the child’s behalf. By signing this form, I certify that the statements herein are true, complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I am aware that any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements or claims may subject me to administrative penalties.

Parent/Guardian (Account Owner) Signature Date

To consent, please type the name of your child (for this application), as well as your full name and the date below.

Question Title

* 18. If you have no further comments or questions, please type N/A below to complete this question.

Native Financial Education Resources:

A). ONAC Children's Savings Account Financial Education Booklet (could be printed). If need a paper copy mailed to you, email or note below.

B). ONAC Investor Education Booklet for parents and guardians managing the accounts.

C). Bank On information for those needing information about how to open a checking or savings account during a pandemic.

For those of you living near Anadarko, OK, First State Bank of Anadarko has an eChoice account available that only requires a $25.00 opening account deposit.

For those of you living near Shawnee, OK, AllNations Bank (owned by the Absentee Shawnee Tribe), has a Bank On certified account available called the Simply Safe Account.

If you are interested in another Native-owned bank with on online bank account, Chickasaw Community Bank has a personal checking account that is able to be opened online for anyone in the country. Here is a link to information about that account:

You can also check with other financial institutions in your area to inquire about safe and affordable bank accounts.

D). Here is a link to Natives on a Budget podcasts, in case these might be interesting to you: