ONA Community Needs Assessment Survey Question Title * 1. Which of these descriptors do you most closely identify with? I am an editor, newsroom manager, senior leader or entrepreneur open to and invested in journalism innovation. I create, produce or directly support innovative news content to be delivered and consumed digitally. I am an educator open to and invested in innovation in my college, university or the journalism field. I am a technology professional who is open to and invested in supporting innovation in journalism. My work supports innovation in digital journalism, but I don’t work directly for a news or technology organization. I am a student interested in exploring innovation in journalism. None of these descriptors resonate with me. I’d rather say: OK Question Title * 2. What is the top professional need you have that is difficult to find industry training for? Understanding future trends in digital media, including emerging technology such as virtual reality, artificial intelligence and blockchain Developing leadership or professional career development for you or your organization Learning specific technical digital skills such as coding, design, data journalism, video production, audio production, drone piloting, etc. Improving organizational diversity Improving organizational culture and communication Learning new revenue and business models Understanding audience engagement strategies, metrics and impact Dealing with the spread of mis/disinformation / lack of public trust in media Help to understand the digital media legal issues facing my organization Learning newsgathering tools for journalists (e.g. apps, web scraping tools) Understanding digital media ethics Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 3. Describe your top career challenge right now (50 words or fewer). OK Question Title * 4. Select the top three current and potential services from ONA that resonate with you. Providing fellowships/conference scholarships to underrepresented groups Creating more leadership training programs Creating more training on specific technology tools Honoring excellence in journalism by showcasing innovative people and projects Providing funding for experimental journalism projects Providing career resources to help those hiring, looking for jobs, etc. Offering opportunities to connect with journalists in your city or region Influencing newsroom culture Promoting more diverse leadership Providing more training on the business and entrepreneurial side of journalism, including business models Providing more international training events and programs Advocating for press freedom, free speech and access to information Identifying future industry trends (10 years out and beyond) Identifying more immediate trends (10 years or fewer) Offering newsroom-wide training on specific topics through organizational memberships Producing digital media research, including salary surveys and digital media trends Providing opportunities to connect with tech platforms, including training on specific tools Providing more virtual training events, including conferences and webinars Engaging the broader public on media literacy Providing more online training resources on digital media, including blog posts, event recaps and resource guides Providing more training on issues facing journalism, including mis/disinformation, digital security and the physical security of journalists OK Question Title * 5. Beyond ONA, list the top three ways you participate in training and professional development opportunities. Please share specific events, organizations or resources. OK Question Title * 6. Beyond ONA, list the top three ways you network with other professionals. Please share specific events, organizations or resources. OK Question Title * 7. Anything else you'd like to add? OK Question Title * 8. If you want to enter the drawing to win ONA18 registration or a 360 camera, please share your name and email. Name Email City, State/Region OK DONE