Exit Omak Area US 97 Walking, Bicycling, and Horseback Riding Survey CCT Department of Transportation is gathering information from Omak Area walkers, rollers, and riders to plan for potential project needs Question Title * 1. What is your age? 18 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 65 to 74 75 or older Question Title * 2. What is your gender identity? Woman Man Other Prefer not to say Question Title * 3. What is your Tribal Membership status? Member of the Colville Confederated Tribes Member of another Tribe(s) Non-Tribal member Question Title * 4. If you walk recreationally, when do you walk along US 97 anywhere between the Walmart shopping area and the 12 Tribes Casino area? Check all that apply. Before work/school starts During morning or afternoon breaks During lunchtime After work/school ends I never walk along US 97 in this area. (If this is your answer and questions 5 and 6 are also "never in this area," you may skip to Question 19.) Question Title * 5. If you bicycle recreationally, when do you bicycle along US 97 anywhere between the Walmart shopping area and the 12 Tribes Casino area? Check all that apply. Before work/school starts During morning or afternoon breaks During lunchtime After work/school ends I never bicycle along US 97 in this area. (If this is your answer and questions 4 and 6 are also "never in this area," you may skip to Question 19.) Question Title * 6. If you ride horses recreationally, when do you ride along US 97 anywhere between the Walmart shopping area and the 12 Tribes Casino area? Check all that apply. Before work/school starts During morning or afternoon breaks During lunchtime After work/school ends I never ride horses along US 97 in this area. (If this is your answer and questions 4 and 5 are also "never in this area," you may skip to Question 19.) Question Title * 7. For what purposes do you walk along US 97 in the Omak area? Check all that apply. Use recreation/exercise paths Walk children to school or daycare Walk for shopping opportunity Walk to visit with neighbors/friends/relatives/co-workers Walk to cultural activities or events Walk to church Walk to work Walk to public transit Walk when at work between locations Question Title * 8. For what purposes do you bicycle along US 97 in the Omak area? Check all that apply. Use recreation/exercise paths Bicycle children to school or daycare Bicycle for shopping opportunity Bicycle to visit with neighbors/friends/relatives/co-workers Bicycle to cultural activities or events Bicycle to church Bicycle to work Bicycle to public transit Bicycle when at work between locations Question Title * 9. For what purposes do you ride horses along US 97 in the Omak area? Check all that apply. Use recreation/exercise paths Ride children to school or daycare Ride for shopping opportunity Ride to visit with neighbors/friends/relatives/co-workers Ride to cultural activities or events Ride to church Ride to work Ride when at work between locations Question Title * 10. How often do you walk along US 97 anywhere between the Walmart shopping area and the 12 Tribes Casino area? Multiple times a day Daily A couple times a week At least once weekly A couple times a month At least once monthly A couple times a year At least once annually Question Title * 11. How often do you bicycle along US 97 anywhere between the Walmart shopping area and the 12 Tribes Casino area? Multiple times a day Daily A couple times a week At least once weekly A couple times a month At least once monthly A couple times a year At least once annually Question Title * 12. How often do you ride horses along US 97 anywhere between the Walmart shopping area and the 12 Tribes Casino area? Multiple times a day Daily A couple times a week At least once weekly A couple times a month At least once monthly A couple times a year At least once annually Question Title * 13. Is your walk based on time or distance? Time Distance Question Title * 14. Is your bicycle ride based on time or distance? Time Distance Question Title * 15. Is your horse ride based on time or distance? Time Distance Question Title * 16. In which seasons do you walk along US 97 anywhere between the Walmart shopping area and the 12 Tribes Casino area? Check all that apply. Winter Spring Summer Fall All Question Title * 17. In which seasons do you bicycle along US 97 anywhere between the Walmart shopping area and the 12 Tribes Casino area? Check all that apply. Winter Spring Summer Fall All Question Title * 18. In which seasons do you ride horses along US 97 anywhere between the Walmart shopping area and the 12 Tribes Casino area? Check all that apply. Winter Spring Summer Fall All Question Title * 19. If a multi-use pathway is created which accommodates walkers, bicyclists, and horses, which transportation options would this encourage you to engage in along US 97 anywhere between the Walmart shopping area and the 12 Tribes Casino area? Check all that apply. Walking Bicycling Horseback Riding Question Title * 20. Would you increase walking/biking/horse riding along US 97 if an improved and complete trail was constructed between the Walmart shopping area and the 12 Tribes Casino area? Yes No Question Title * 21. If constructing an improved and complete walking/bicycling/horseback riding trail along US 97 between the Walmart shopping area and the 12 Tribes Casino area required two stages, which stage would you want built first? Separated walking/bicycling/horseback riding path along US97 between Walmart shopping area and SR 155 intersection Separated walking/bicycling/horseback riding path along US97 between 12 Tribes Casino area and SR 155 intersection Question Title * 22. Would you increase walking/bicycling/horseback riding if a trailhead parking lot was available somewhere mid-way on the path between the Walmart shopping area and the 12 Tribes Casino along US 97? Yes No Question Title * 23. If a walking/bicycling/horseback riding pathway is created along US 97, would you like mile markers on the pathway? Yes No Question Title * 24. If a walking/bicycling/horseback riding pathway is created along US 97, would you like resting seats adjacent to the pathway? Yes No Question Title * 25. If you already have a favored walking/bicycling/horseback riding path along US 97 anywhere between the Walmart shopping area and the 12 Tribes Casino area, do you need a street crossing system on your path to increase safety? If yes, please share where you need a crossing light or crosswalk. Question Title * 26. If you require a mobility accommodation in order to fully use a walking/bicycling/horseback riding path along US 97 anywhere between the Walmart shopping area and the 12 Tribes Casino area, please list the accommodations which would make participation possible and enjoyable. Mobility Accommodation 1 Mobility Accommodation 2 Mobility Accommodation 3 Question Title * 27. If a walking/bicycling/horseback riding pathway is created along US 97, would you prefer lighting along the path? Yes No Question Title * 28. If a walking/bicycling/horseback riding pathway is created along US 97, would you prefer leashes required for dogs on the path or no dogs allowed? I prefer requiring leashes on dogs taken on improved pathways. I prefer no dogs allowed on improved pathways. I have no control preferences for dogs on improved pathways. Question Title * 29. If a walking/bicycling/horseback riding pathway is created along US 97 between the Walmart shopping area and the 12 Tribes Casino area, would you like the addition of information kiosks to point out landmarks and their historical significances? Yes No Question Title * 30. Would you or a family member like CCT DOT to provide a bicycle safety course? Yes No Question Title * 31. Please provide up to five additional comments in response to a walking path, bicycle path, or horseback riding path in this section. Comment 1 Comment 2 Comment 3 Comment 4 Comment 5 If you'd like to share a drawing of where you already walk, bicycle, or horse ride please bring the map to CCT DOT in Nespelem or email the map to deborah.lacombe.dot@colvilletribes.com Question Title * 32. Thank you for your responses to this survey. Done