OKIB Website Survey This survey is intended to gather your feedback and input regarding OKIB’s current website (https://okib.ca/). Question Title * 1. Are you an OKIB: Elder Member Council Director Staff Question Title * 2. In the last 60 days, how many times would you say you visited the OKIB website? (Please do not consider any visits due to this survey.) 6 or more times 3-5 times 1-2 times I did not visit the OKIB website in the last 60 days Not sure/can’t remember Question Title * 3. When you have been to the website in the past, what have you used it for? (Check all that apply) Checking for real-time news Looking for emergency updates (heatwaves, fires, floods, etc.) Membership services (status card updates, registering for status) To find information about the history of OKIB Looking for Band Council information To get contact information for people at OKIB Information about events Looking for employment opportunities Health service information Education service information Policies & bylaws Public safety information Public works & housing information Question Title * 4. How easy is it to find the information you’re looking for on okib.ca? Very easy Easy Neither easy nor difficult Difficult Very difficult Question Title * 5. What information would you like to see more of on the website? (Please select up to 3) Up-to-date news and events More member-specific information More information about the Band (OKIB history, who OKIB is, information on culture and language) Resources for the general public to learn more about OKIB OKIB-specific policies, processes, and strategies Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. Please list up to three things you think could be improved on okib.ca. Question Title * 7. Do you consider okib.ca to be the best resource for information and news about OKIB? Yes No Not sure Question Title * 8. Where else do you look for OKIB information? (Check all that apply) Facebook Twitter Asking Elders, family, friends and/or other members Other sources (please specify) Question Title * 9. Please share any additional feedback or input about okib.ca that you would like to note. (Optional) Question Title * 10. Thanks for completing the survey! As a thank-you, you may fill out your contact info below to be entered in a weekly draw for a $50 gift card. This is optional and your survey responses will remain anonymous if you do not complete this portion. First & Last Name Email Address Phone Number Done