Complete this form to add a performer or other program provider to the Ohio Performers Directory. Please only add performers whose work you are directly familiar with and who you would recommend to other Ohio libraries. Complete this form separately for each performer you are recommending. Thank you.

Question Title

* 1. Your contact information (will not be included in directory unless you choose to include a signed recommendation; see question #16 below)

Question Title

* 2. Performer / Programmer name (business/stage name or group name if applicable)

Question Title

* 3. Performer / Programmer contact person (if different from above)

Question Title

* 4. Performer / Programmer website

Question Title

* 5. Performer / Programmer additional contact info (email address, phone number, social media, etc.)

Question Title

* 6. Performer / Programmer location (city, state)

Question Title

* 7. Type of program (select all that apply)

Question Title

* 8. Program description (1-2 sentences). Please make this descriptive rather than evaluative. If you'd like to share an evaluative recommendation, please see question #16 below.

Question Title

* 9. Is the program description...

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* 10. Audience age range (select all that apply)

Question Title

* 11. Program fee / price range

Question Title

* 12. Is fee negotiable?

Question Title

* 13. Is a multiple booking discount available?

Question Title

* 14. Is mileage / travel an additional charge?

Question Title

* 15. OPTIONAL: Any additional comments?

Question Title

* 16. OPTIONAL: If you would like to provide a signed recommendation, please add it here. Maximum 200 words. Your name and library name will be included in the directory if you complete this field. Your email address will not be included unless you put it in the text of your recommendation.

Click/tap Done if finished. Thank you!