Adoptive owner/Family information

Thank you for applying for our special, rescued kitties. Please tell us more about yourself and your property so we can ensure the best fit for you and the animals in need of new homes.

All kitties are fixed, vaccinated, dewormed, and chipped or tattooed prior to adoption. Some are very  scared, skittish or feral, and some are 'near misses' for being house kitties who will likely become good pets in a short time. All must be treated with kindness, protection, and provided permanent access to  safe shelter with natural light, food, water, and warmth in the winter.  Veterinary care and regular vaccinations, de-matting, and deworming required as needed. Thank you for offering them new homes!

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* 1. First name:

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* 2. Last name:

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* 3. Email address:

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* 4. Street address:

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* 5. City:

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* 6. Postal code:

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* 7. Phone number:

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* 8. In which type of housing do you currently live?

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* 9. How many years have you lived at this address?

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* 11. Please list existing pets (type, age, sex) and types of livestock, if applicable:

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* 12. Are all your pets spayed/neutered? (livestock exempt):

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* 13. Who is your veterinarian, or which animal hospital or clinic?

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* 14. If you have previously lost a pet due to sickness, moving, disappearance, or other please describe:

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* 15. Select your age group:

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* 16. If you have children, enter their ages: