The Ohio Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) has been awarded special funding to assess the effects of COVID-19 on the manufacturers across the State.  This survey is designed to gather your key responses to begin the assessment process.  It is estimated to take less than 15 minutes to complete.

At any time you are going through the survey, you may reach out to your local MEP or feel free to contact me directly.

Thank you in advance for your participation!

Susan Foltz
State Director, Ohio MEP
Phone:  614-752-2587

Question Title

* 1. Business Name

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* 2. Contact Name

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* 3. Phone Number

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* 4. Email

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* 6. Do you know of or have you worked with any of the following business assistance organizations from the Ohio Development Services Agency? (Check all that apply.)

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* 7. If you are working with the Ohio MEP, which MEP partner (s) are  you working with? (Check all that apply)

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* 8. Was your business affected by the 2019 tornadoes?

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* 9. How many employees do you currently have on staff?

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* 10. How many employees did you have on staff prior to the outbreak of COVID-19?

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* 11. How many weeks can your business operate with current staff challenges?

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* 12. Are you familiar with the guidelines and requirements for COVID-19 re-opening?

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* 13. How has your business been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic?

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* 14. Do you currently have an Emergency Operations Plan?

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* 15. Have you experienced a change in customer orders or sales?

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* 16. Have you experienced a change in your suppliers?

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* 17. Do you need assistance with Cybersecurity for your business?

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* 18. What quality system(s) is your facility certified to, if any?

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* 19. Please explain your top two operational priorities at this time.

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* 20. Do you have employees furloughed at this time?

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* 21. If "Yes", please provide the number of employees furloughed.

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* 22. Do you need assistance in recruiting new employees?

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* 23. Do you need training and/or development assistance for your employees?

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* 24. If "Yes", please provide a list of training and/or development assistance needed.

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* 25. Please explain your top two workforce priorities at this time.

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* 26. Are you aware of the various programs to assist your business provided through the CARES Act? (i.e. EIDL, PPP, etc.) 

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* 27. Do you currently have a Re-opening Plan that meets the guidance for social distancing?

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* 28. What can the local, state or federal government do to help your business through COVID-19?

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* 29. Please provide any additional details that we may be able to help you recover from the recent emergency.