Ceduna Oysterfest Questionnaire: Celebrating Memories, Inspiring the Future

For 35 years, the Ceduna Oysterfest has brought our community together in celebration. We’re gathering stories, memories, and historical moments to honour our beloved festival. Your contributions will help preserve the festival’s legacy, inspire the present, and guide its future. Whether shared publicly or kept for records, your stories are a valuable part of this milestone. Let’s celebrate 35 years of the Oysterfest together!

Note: Only answer the questions that are relevant to you. Feel free to skip any you don’t want to answer.

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* 1. How did you first become involved in organising/volunteering/working for Ceduna Oysterfest and do you remember the years you were involved?

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* 2. Can you describe your role and responsibilities you performed for the Oysterfest?

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* 3. What motivated you to contribute your time and effort to the Oysterfest?

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* 4. Share a memorable moment or accomplishment from your experience in organising/volunteering/working at the Oysterfest.

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* 5. How has your role or contribution evolved over the years, if applicable?

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* 6. Can you recall a specific instance where your efforts or the efforts of others had a significant impact on the success of the Oysterfest?

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* 7. Can you describe what it was like working with others to bring the Oysterfest to life? How did teamwork and collaboration play a role in making the festival a success?

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* 8. What unique skills or talents did you or others you remember bring to the oysterfest, and how did they enhance the event?

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* 9. Were there any unexpected surprises or moments that stand out to you from your involvement in the Oysterfest?

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* 10. Share a behind-the-scenes story that most attendees might not be aware of.

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* 11. What key experiences or messages did you hope attendees would take away from each Oysterfest? How do you feel your efforts, along with those of the committee at the time, helped shape and enhance that experience?

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* 12. Describe the camaraderie among the Oysterfest organisers, volunteers, or staff.

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* 13. In what ways has your perspective on the Oysterfest changed since you first became involved?

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* 14. When you were involved with Oysterfest what did it mean to you personally, and have those opinions changed over the years?

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* 15. Are there any specific contributions or achievements of which you are particularly proud?

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* 16. What are some memorable moments from past Oysterfest's that stand out to you? These could include your fondest memories, funniest stories, committee antics, or the dedication of committee members who went above and beyond. Were there any entertainment acts or events you particularly enjoyed, or comments from others that resonated with you?

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* 17. Are there any past activities that you think could be revived to encourage audience and local participation?

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* 18. If someone were considering getting involved in organising or volunteering for a festival, what advice would you give them?

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* 19. Do you have any other comments you would like to share about the Oysterfest Past, Present or what you'd like to see in the Future?

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* 21. If you have any photos or documents you'd like to share, please upload them here or you can email to oysterfest@ceduna.sa.gov.au.

Please note that while we value all the information shared, not all submissions may be made public. The decision to share specific stories, photos, or documents will be at the discretion of the Oysterfest Coordinator.

Thank you for taking the time to contribute to our questionnaire.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.

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* 22. Would you be open to the Oysterfest Coordinator reaching out for additional information if needed? If so, please provide your contact details. Thank you