Nominations Deadline - August 15th

The Officer of the Year will be recognized nationally based on:
  • The officer’s agency participated and reported results for the 2024 Operation Dry Water weekend.
  • The officer worked at least one day of the 2024 Operation Dry Water weekend.
  • Submission of a narrative by the officer’s agency to include: A description of the officer’s work during Operation Dry Water weekend and throughout the year in boating under the influence (BUI) prevention and enforcement.

Nominations are open to all commissioned, certified or sworn peace officers authorized to enforce state and/or federal recreational boating safety laws.

Agencies should nominate candidates who participated in the 2024 Operation Dry Water weekend (July 4 - 6) and who are making a difference in recreational boating safety by educating boaters, raising awareness about the dangers of boating under the influence, removing impaired operators from the nation’s waterways and protecting our nation and the communities they serve.

Nominations for this award may be submitted by any agency that participated and reported results for Operation Dry Water 2024.

For more information on the Operation Dry Water Awards Program click here.

Question Title

* 1. Candidate Information:

Question Title

* 2. Nominated By:

Question Title

* 3. Officer Activity from Operation Dry Water Weekend

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* 4. Letter of Nomination

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* 5. Candidate Photo

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* 6. Additional Photo

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* 7. Additional Information / Supporting Documents

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* 8. Additional Information / Supporting Documents

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* 9. Additional Information / Supporting Documents

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If you have any questions about nominations or reporting please contact Taylor Kirshe ( / 859.225.9487).

Question Title

* 10. Other notes: