Dispute Resolution Needs Assessment Survey ODR would like your feedback to better understand the special education dispute resolution needs of our constituents. Please complete the survey below. We appreciate your time. OK Question Title * 1. What is your role? parent school administrator school personnel other than administrator attorney advocate Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 2. What ODR services have you used within the past 5 years? IEP Facilitation Resolution Meeting Facilitation Mediation Due Process Special Education ConsultLine Hearing Officer Settlement Conference Parent Engagement Service None OK Question Title * 3. In which of the following areas do you feel additional information is needed from ODR? IEP Facilitation Resolution Meeting Facilitation Mediation Hearing Officer Settlement Conference Due Process Hearing Special Education ConsultLine/Parent Engagement Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 4. Regarding dispute resolution in special education, are there needs you or your school have that are not being met by ODR? Yes No OK Question Title * 5. If you answered yes on the previous question, please identify what those needs are. OK Question Title * 6. Is there any service ODR does not currently provide that you would like to see in the future? OK Question Title * 7. What is the format of information distribution that you feel is most beneficial for you or your school? information on the website written publications video podcasts social media email updates Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 8. Please describe any challenges you or your school are having/have had with the special education dispute resolution processes that ODR provides? OK Question Title * 9. Please provide any additional comments. OK DONE