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Community conditions (social determinants of health)

Please keep the following criteria in mind when responding to these questions:
  • Connection to SHIP health outcome priorities: Extent to which the health factor contributes to Mental health and addiction, Chronic disease, Maternal and infant health outcomes
  • Ability to track progress: Measurable indicators are available to assess and report progress in a meaningful way on an annual basis at the state and local level
  • Nature of the problem: Magnitude, severity, disparities, U.S. comparison, trends [2019 SHA results]
  • Alignment: With local priorities [SHA regional forum/online survey results], MCH/MIECHV assessment, state agency plans and other initiatives
  • Potential for impact: Availability of evidence-based strategies, co-benefits, feasibility to address and state and/or local level

Question Title

* 1. During the June 4 meeting, participants discussed the fact that the Community Conditions sub-topics are all important and inter-related. Given this challenge, the group agreed to prioritize sub-topics that can be measured and impacted at the state and local level, and have alignment with other initiatives around the state. Sub-topics that are not prioritized can still be addressed during the strategy selection phase if they contribute to the prioritized outcomes.

Which of the following sub-topics do you think are most important to prioritize in the SHIP?  SELECT NO MORE THAN 3.

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