4) Which condition(s) are required for the lawful reception of Holy Communion? (select BEST answer)
The best answer is: A, B & C
“To receive the sacrament of Communion worthily one must be a baptized Catholic in the state of grace and believe what the Church teaches about this sacrament. One conscious of having committed a mortal sin must make a sacramental confession before approaching the sacrament. One must also receive Communion with an upright intention, for example, out of love for Christ or in a desire to grow in grace and in unity with all His Mystical Body. One should not receive Communion simply because others are receiving it. The Church also directs us to abstain from food and drink (except for water and medicine) for at least one hour before Communion.” [from Our Sunday Visitor October 10, 2013, article, “Sixteen Questions about the Eucharist, Question #13: https://www.osv.com/TheChurch/Article/TabId/563/ArtMID/13751/ArticleID/11510/16-Questions-about-the-Eucharist.aspx]
“Every celebration of the Eucharist is performed in union not only with the proper Bishop, but also with the Pope, with the episcopal order, with all the clergy, and with the entire people. [from the CDF Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on Some Aspects of the Church Understood as Communion Communionis Notio (28 May 1992), 14: AAS 85 (1993), 847]