Please complete the survey below. Your feedback is welcome as we plan future professional learning.

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* 1. What is your name (optional)?

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* 2. I primarily work with students in our...

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* 3. Dr. Perez was well-organized.

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* 4. Dr. Perez provided useful resource material.

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* 5. The ALL-STAFF sessions Led by Dr. Perez gave me practical ideas to improve differentation that I can implement in my practice.

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* 6. The SECTION-SPECIFIC breakout session (PS or MS/US) was helpful in targeting teaching and learning at the grade level(s) in which I teach.

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* 7. If I was involved, the breakout COACHING session with Dr. Perez helped prepare me to better support my colleagues in meeting the needs of all learners.

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* 8. I feel confident that the strategies I learned at this workshop will improve learning in my class(es).

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* 9. In terms of your needs relating to differentiation, what was missing from our learning over the past two days that we could build into future peer-to-peer sessions?

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* 10. Willing to share your best practices in differentiation around Language Accessibility, Levels of Readiness, and/or Student Engagement in future peer-to-peer PL sessions? Please jot your name below and we'll follow up!