October Professional Learning Feedback Please complete the survey below. Your feedback is welcome as we plan future professional learning. Question Title * 1. What is your name (optional)? OK Question Title * 2. I primarily work with students in our... Primary School Middle School Upper School OK Question Title * 3. Dr. Perez was well-organized. Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree OK Question Title * 4. Dr. Perez provided useful resource material. Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree OK Question Title * 5. The ALL-STAFF sessions Led by Dr. Perez gave me practical ideas to improve differentation that I can implement in my practice. Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree OK Question Title * 6. The SECTION-SPECIFIC breakout session (PS or MS/US) was helpful in targeting teaching and learning at the grade level(s) in which I teach. Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree OK Question Title * 7. If I was involved, the breakout COACHING session with Dr. Perez helped prepare me to better support my colleagues in meeting the needs of all learners. Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree OK Question Title * 8. I feel confident that the strategies I learned at this workshop will improve learning in my class(es). Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree OK Question Title * 9. In terms of your needs relating to differentiation, what was missing from our learning over the past two days that we could build into future peer-to-peer sessions? OK Question Title * 10. Willing to share your best practices in differentiation around Language Accessibility, Levels of Readiness, and/or Student Engagement in future peer-to-peer PL sessions? Please jot your name below and we'll follow up! OK THANKS!