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The City of Ocean City receives Community Development Block Grant (CBDG) funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) on an annual basis. The primary objectives of the federal CDBG program are to provide decent housing, a suitable living environment and expand economic opportunities, principally for low- and moderate-income persons and neighborhoods.

HUD requires each CDBG grantee to develop a Consolidated Plan every five years to guide the programming of CDBG funds. HUD encourages Municipalities to consult with interested parties including agencies, groups, organizations, income-eligible persons and other interested parties. The Consolidated Plan will describe the City's housing needs, non-housing community development needs and homelessness needs. Your responses to the following survey will help us prepare those summaries and describe our strategies for addressing those issues during the next five years.

In addition to the Consolidated Plan, the City is also preparing an Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice (AI). The goal of the AI is to collect data to determine the current state of Fair Housing compliance, identify any impediments to Fair Housing, and make recommendations to address those impediments. The Federal Fair Housing Act makes it illegal to discriminate in housing because of race, color, religion, gender, age, national origin, disability/handicap, family status, etc.

This is an anonymous survey. Responses will be summarized and individual responses will not be shared. Please complete this survey only once. Please forward a link to this survey to anyone else that you feel would be interested in participating.

Thank you for your time and participation!

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* 1. How would you best describe yourself?

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* 2. What part of Ocean City do you live in?

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* 3. What is your zip code? 

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* 4. Please rank the most common HOUSING problems your community faces using the choices below:

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* 5. Listed below are general types of activities addressed by various programs in Ocean City. Please Check all those that are important to your community.

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* 6. Please tell us which is important to you and/or your community by checking each activity or program needed in Ocean City.


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* 7. Please tell us which is important to you and/or your community by checking each activity or program needed in Ocean City.

Affordable Rental Housing:

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* 8. Please tell us which is important to you and/or your community by checking each activity or program needed in Ocean City.

Housing for Persons with Special Needs:

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* 9. Please tell us which is important to you and/or your community by checking each activity or program needed in Ocean City.


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* 10. Please tell us which is important to you and/or your community by checking each activity or program needed in Ocean City.

Community Services:

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* 11. Please tell us which is important to you and/or your community by checking each activity or program needed in Ocean City.

Public Facilities:

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* 12. Please tell us which is important to you and/or your community by checking each activity or program needed in Ocean City.


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* 13. Please tell us which is important to you and/or your community by checking each activity or program needed in Ocean City.

Elimination of Blight:

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* 14. For your household, please indicate the following:

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* 15. Do you own or rent your home?

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* 16. Please select the type of home you live in:

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* 17. Which of the following are the most important reasons you decided to live in your neighborhood?

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* 18. How safe do you feel walking in your neighborhood during the day time?

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* 19. How safe do you feel walking in your neighborhood at night?

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* 20. If you had a choice, would you continue to live in Ocean City?

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* 21. Please check any programs you or people you know would be interested in:

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* 22. How long have you lived in your current housing?

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* 23. Which of the following describes your current status?

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* 24. Please check your highest level of education:

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* 25. Do you consider yourself Hispanic or Latino?

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* 26. What race or cultural group do you consider yourself to be a part of?

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* 27. What is your household’s yearly income range (from all sources)?

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