Day #5 Evaluation

Thank you for completing this evaluation. The first section will ask specifically about today's session. The second section will ask you for feedback on the overall training, i.e., all five sessions. 

Your responses will be used to improve our training and ensure your learning needs are met. This evaluation is also used to confirm your attendance in today’s session. You must complete this evaluation in order to receive credit for attending today’s session. All responses will remain confidential; your name and email are only collected for the OCAS team to verify your participation. 

As a reminder, you must attend OCFIT in its entirety in order to receive a Certificate of Completion. Please speak with Cassy Miller if you have any questions about this requirement or evaluation (

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* 1. Enter your name and email address so that we can confirm your certificate of completion. 

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* 2. To what extent do you understand the following content areas after today's session?

  Not at all A little Moderately Very much
Benefits of corroborating evidence.
Types of information that can be corroborated. 
Methods that can be used to corroborate information.
General overview of court.
How to prepare for court.
How to testify in court.
How to support my interview in court.

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* 3. How has OCFIT prepared you to work with your community partners to corroborate evidence?

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* 4. How has OCFIT prepared you to testify in court or at grand jury?

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* 5. What suggestions do you have to improve today’s session?