About the Award

The OCASI Social Justice Award Voting is now Open!

Designed to recognize the efforts and work made by an OCASI Member Agency. This award recognizes an organization for its work in advancing the immigrant and refugee serving sector agenda through cross-sectoral collaborations and innovative practices and who have taken an active role in their commitment to Equity and Social Justice to improve the lives of newcomers to Ontario.

How are nominations decided?

On August 28, 2018, OCASI sent a call for nominations to its member agencies. By the deadline, the following seven (7) member agencies had been nominated.

Logo of Malton Neighbourhood Services
Logo of Working Skills Centre
Logo of KEYS
Logo of North York Community House
Logo of CultureLink Logo of CCVT
Logo of Teresa Group  

The Social Justice Award is unique in that it allows OCASI member agencies to vote directly for their favorite organization.

Voting is easier than ever – cast your votes at any time during the Voting Round from October 5, 2018 to October 22, 2018.

The process is entirely automated on our end. The nomination with the most votes wins!

Please Note: If you are voting for one agency, the voting platform will allow you to only vote once from the same device. However, you will be able to cast your vote for more than one agency from the same device.

The winner will be announced at the OCASI 40th Anniversary Gala on Tuesday, November 6, 2018.

For more information please contact Felicia Christmas, OCASI Conference Coordinator at fchristmas@ocasi.org