De-Escalation Training for Caregivers Registration This training is only for families and caregivers of adults receiving Mainecare Beneiftis Section 12, 19 and 96.This training will increase knowledge and understanding of identifying when an individual has escalated or is in crisis. It will provide steps and actions to de-escalate the situation, as well as strategies to defuse, soothe, or support a person in need. For any questions, please email Devon at Question Title * 1. Contact Information First Name Last Name Email Address Question Title * 2. Associated Agency (if applicable) Question Title * 3. Please indicate which Service Coordination Agency coordinates Section 12, 19, or 26 services on behalf of the member you are supporting: Question Title * 4. Type of Caregiver PSS Attendant CNA LPN/RN Home Health Aide Family/Natural Support Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. Do you have any accommodations or access needs that would help you fully participate in this training? Question Title * 6. Would you like to be added to NAMI Maine's Newsletter? Yes No Done