Award Overview:

The OACAO is celebrating our 50th Anniversary in 2023 and we can't think of a better way of celebrating this special milestone than by honouring some exceptional staff and volunteers who are involved in Seniors Active Living Centres (SALCs), Older Adult Centres and Seniors Clubs across the province, or who have made significant contributions to the OACAO.

The OACAO Board of Directors have created this one-time OACAO Special Award '50 for 50' – to honour and celebrate 50 amazing, incredible, individuals this year. 

This is an opportunity to recognize an amazing volunteer or board member who has been influential in the shaping and operation of your centre for many years; or a staff member who has dedicated a significant portion of their working life to the betterment of your centre and the people you serve.

The purpose of this award is to recognize that exceptional effort and contribution to the field (SALCs), Older Adult Centres and Seniors Clubs across the province, and/or for exceptional support of the Older Adult Centres' Association of Ontario (OACAO).

The 50 individuals will be honoured as part of the 50th anniversary celebrations at the 2023 OACAO Conference on Monday October 23, 2023.

Please complete this simple on-line form by the nomination deadline of October 5th, 2023 for your 'nominee' to be considered for this special award.

Note: both the nominator and the nominee must be affiliated with the OACAO or a member organization.    

Contact or 1-866-835-7693 if you have any questions.

Question Title

* 1. Information about the Nominator (your contact information): (enter information into each field)

Question Title

* 2. Is the Nominator affiliated with, or a member of, an OACAO member centre, club or organization?

Question Title

* 3. Information about the Nominee (the amazing person you are nominating): (enter information into each field)

Question Title

* 4. Is the Nominatee affiliated with, or a member of, an OACAO member centre, club or organization?

Question Title

* 5. Select a category below that best describes the Nominee:

Question Title

* 6. Narrative Nomination Description:
In one or two short paragraphs, and a total of 250 words or less, please tell us more about the Nominee and why they are AMAZING!

Here are some suggestions:

Tell us about their commitment to supporting seniors, their dedication to the betterment of your centre of community. What is their most significant contribution? How have them made a difference or an Impact?  Why should they be selected for this special OACAO 50th Anniversary Award?