We want your feedback

Thank you for your recent purchase from Nu-Tank!

We are always trying to improve customer service so that your experience with us is more than memorable. We would love to hear what you think about Nu-Tank, our products and service, good and the bad. So, we were wondering if you could take the time to answer the following questions for us so we can continue to improve in our goal for great customer service. 

Each customer* who completes our survey goes into the draw to win a mystery prize at the end of the month.

*To be eligible for our monthly mystery prize, you must be a Nu-Tank customer with a valid invoice number.

Question Title

* 1. How was your experience with the salesperson?

Question Title

* 2. Was your product delivered in an acceptable time frame?

Question Title

* 3. How was your experience with the delivery driver?

Question Title

* 7. Overall how would you rate our service? 

Question Title

* 8. Is there anything we could do to improve our service or do you have any other comments you would like to add?

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* 9. Please enter the invoice number from your most recent purchase.

Question Title

* 10. Please select the below box if you DON'T want your comments to be published.