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1. My first and last name:

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2. Please answer these questions to determine WHEN the patient will qualify to implement Now Care Planning -- but keep this in mind: You and other surrogate decision-makers can complete this online program well ahead of the time when it will be implemented, to avoid the additional emotional stress of making these decisions and have these conversations when time is a critical factor; for example, an escalation of the patient's suffering. 

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3. My relationship with the patient living with advanced dementia is (click all that apply):

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4. To learn or to share more about how cruel and burdensome the advanced stage of dementia can be, consider this:
If one defines "terminal illness" as the disease that will most likely lead to death, then Advanced Dementia can also be among the longest terminal illnesses. Patients can survive much longer than those with brain cancer, for example.
In contrast to patients who remain stable a long time after a stroke or a traumatic brain injury, patients living with Advanced Dementia continue to decline in functioning. The progression of this disease causes increased personal suffering and burdens.

If you are not familiar Advanced Dementia (or you want a reminder), view this 14-minute video that includes material from several sources, including an award-winning PBS video (2009) entitled, "Alzheimer's Disease: Facing the Facts."
This composite excerpt video is entitled, "Living with Advanced Dementia--What is it really like?"
To view it, copy and paste this link in your browser:


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5. I used a checklist (or someone advised me) that the patient's living will is not clear or specific enough to adequately indicate WHEN he or she would want all life-sustaining treatment to cease.

Example:  Her living will might cite the condition, "No longer able to recognize loved ones and family members." 
the patient and her loved ones can still enjoy spending time together and no one is suffering, let alone suffering severely.
If I used this simple criterion, the patient would die earlier than wanted because it would sacrifice a life that still could give and receive joy. Also, most physicians would refuse to comply for this reason.

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6. I  used a checklist (or someone advised me) the patient's living will does not offer an intervention that will be effective to allow her to die of her underlying disease.

Example: The patient's living will states, "Focus on Comfort Measures Only." But she has "No Plug to Pull" so sustaining her life does not depend on any high-tech treatment. Her treating physician argues that spoon-feeding is a comfort measure.

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7. I feel qualified to serve as a surrogate decision-maker since I learned the patient's values and treatment preferences directly from him or her before the patient lost capacity.

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8. Below I have listed the names of ALL individuals I am aware of who might claim legal standing to make end-of-life decisions on behalf of the patient:

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9. Below I have listed the names of ALL individuals I am aware of whom I believe the patient would not want to have any influence in making end-of-life decision on her behalf.
(Write none, if applicable; and optionally, explain WHY.)

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10. DO you consent to serve as a member of the Patient Decision Committee? If so, this is Step 1.
Below, agree to Steps 2 to 5 by checking each numbered box:

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11. There are other issues I feel need to be discussed, including:
(Write none, if it applies.)

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12. Today's date


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13. I  have known the patient for ____ years:

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14. Please enter this information if you want a counselor to contact you regarding the patient about whom you are concerned:

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15. Do you want Dr Terman or a healthcare counselor to contact you about the person who is now dying slowly with dementia and might be suffering?

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